Burlington Electric Encourages Community to Conserve Energy on Peak Demand Day

Burlington, Vt. – Burlington Electric Department is encouraging the Burlington community to take steps to conserve energy today, as temperatures are rising during what will be one of the hottest days of summer and, therefore, a peak demand day. On a peak demand day, Burlington Electric provides more electricity over a longer period of time to meet high demand. To help “beat the peak,” Burlington Electric suggests that, for as much of the day as possible and especially between 12:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., its customers:

  • Raise thermostats and air conditioners to 70 degrees or more, if possible;
  • Wait on using high-energy demand appliances including washing machines, dryers, and dishwashers; and
  • Turn off all non-essential lights and appliances not needed for safety reasons.

“Burlingtonians have long been leaders in the energy world, be it in efficiency, renewability, or sustainability,” said Burlington Electric General Manager Neale Lunderville.  “Our community regularly focuses on how we can serve as better stewards of our environment. We call on that conservation ethic and encourage Burlingtonians to take simple steps to reduce our energy usage today to save money for themselves and their neighbors, as well as to protect the incredible natural resources that surround us in Burlington and Vermont.”

To learn further about ways to be more energy efficient, please visit our website or call Burlington Electric’s customer care team at 802-865-7300.