Burlington Electric Department RFP Sytem

Open RFPs

RFP # Title Deadline
019A-25 019A-25 GT Replacement Roof March 28, 2025 11:00 am

Become a BED Vendor

Welcome to our new RFP System. We have greatly simplified the entire process. You no longer need to sign in to view RFPs or to submit your own proposal. We have also reduced the number of categories to make your membership easier to navigate.

BED Vendor Sign Up

IMPORTANT: You need to sign up for RFP Announcements and to post responses. Like before, we will announce all new RFPs via e-mail. You will also be able to see the current list of Open RFPs on this page. Bookmark this URL.

Update Your RFP Categories

If you would like to change which categories you are subscribed to, save your next e-mail from us and click on the “Update Your Preferences” link at the bottom of that e-mail.

If you don’t have a previous e-mail from us handy, try signing up for the list again. You will be told if you are already signed up and what you can do to update your preferences. Follow the instructions on-screen.

More Information

For questions, concerns, or comments please contact us by one of the methods below.
Burlington Electric Department, Purchasing Dept.
585 Pine Street, Burlington, VT 05401-4891

Paul Charbonneau | Email
802-865-7456, M-F 6:30am -3:00pm EST.