Chief Forester Betsy Lesnikoski

Betsy Lesnikoski, BED’s Chief Forester, ensures that the wood burned at McNeil is harvested sustainably and ethically.

Net Zero Energy Burlington VT
Net Zero Energy Burlington VT
Chief Forester Betsy Lesnikoski



The largest source of Burlington’s 100% renewable energy portfolio is the wood we turn into power at McNeil Generating Station down in the Intervale. Today, I’m chatting with Betsy Lesnikoski, BED’s Chief Forester. Betsy’s role is to ensure that the wood burned at McNeil is harvested sustainably and ethically. There’s so much more to Betsy’s work and I’m excited to share our conversation.

We discuss the origins of the Moran plant on the waterfront, sourcing the low-grade wood with consideration of foresting sustainability, the local economy, and wildlife conservation, what is coming out of the stack at McNeil that is visible in the Intervale, and working with private land owners in Vermont and New York.

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