RFP Detail

Burlington Electric Department RFP System

RFP# 026-25 Electronic Access Control System Key Fob Replacement

RFP# 026-25

Deadline: January 24, 2025 11:00 am

RFP# 026-25 Electronic Access Control System Key Fob Replacement

Scope of Work
Looking for Genetec Security Center Saas
Synergis Professional System
We will be using our server as the host for the software.
We have
5 buildings that have key fob access
40 entrance points between all 5 buildings
3 computers that have access to the system to make changes
System installed & repair any of the door in which latches need repair
We install all new fob reader in FY24, so readers have been updated
Removed current system Verex

Site walk through will be with Paul Charbonneau at 585 Pine St Burlington, VT @ 11 AM
1/10/25 with visiting each site which has Electronic Access points


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RFP Submission