Contractor Application

Contractor Application

Contractor Application

Use this form for new construction, upgrading service, or changing equipment.

  1. The Burlington Electric Department will do no work unless a complete application has been received.
  2. Complete a separate application for each building receiving service. (This applies to subdivisions, condominiums and apartment complexes.)
  3. Services over 200 amps require Engineering review. Engineering will reach out regarding Fees.
  4. During construction of residential buildings, service will be delivered under one of BED's non-residential rates such as BED's Small General Service ("SG rate") or Large General Service tariff ("LG Rate"). Once the building is occupied, the building's owner or tenants have the responsibility to notify BED of the change to residential occupancy and may request service under one of BED's Residential tariffs ("RS rate" or "RT rate") if those rates are otherwise applicable.
  5. Contact Bob at 802-865-7465 or Dan 802-578-3048 with any questions.
  6. Electrician Packet for Services 200 amps or less

Service Address

Service and meter location shall be located by Burlington Electric Department personnel on all new services and/or when reworking old services.

Must be in Burlington, Vermont.

Property Owner

if applicable

Electrical Contractor

if applicable


For multiple tenant buildings, provide the number of units being served.

Electrical Details

Residential: single or duplexes where one unit is owner-occupied.
Commercial: apt building, small business, store, dept. store, office space, etc.

Services greater than 200 amps require a $200 deposit for engineering review. All checks should be sent or delivered to Burlington Electric Department with attention to “Distribution/ Engineering” and a note indicating deposit for service application and the location of the project.

For Net-metering service requests only.

Upload drawing file for service over 200 amps. Maximum size: 3MB. One file only. Allowed formats: gif, jpg, png, pdf, doc, docx

Wire size at point of attachment to BED.

Electrical Load Characteristics

All service requests will initiate an Available Interrupting Current (AIC) report that will be issued to the electrical contractor and City of Burlington Electrical Inspector.